Remember life before cell phones? When people put glass bottles outside their doors to be RE filled for milk or whatever? When we grew our own food and cooked with real ingredients. When if something broke ya freaking fixed it? Well... ME NEITHER! But I want to go back! Who's comin' with me man?
This is a place where we live simply. act simply. and simply BE! Thank you for being here. I am grateful for your interest in my content and I hope you like what you find!

PODCAST: Simply B. Sustainable

This podcast is about my journey to taking things back to simpler times in sustainable ways. Less stuff, less waste, more fun. We don't have to buy everything and anything on trend. We don't have to eat chemicals. We don't have to wear things only once to be cool.
I'm just a girl trying to live simply, and "act simple"
Simple Faves
Links and pics of my favorite simple sustainable swaps and finds!